Register now for the November 19 webcast on NVM Express over Fabrics.  Mike Shapiro, Founder and VP Software at EMC/DSSD, is the presenter.  It’s at 12:30 PM Pacific.  Here’s what it will cover:

As NVM Express becomes the de facto interface standard for Enterprise and Client PCIe-based storage, the NVMe specification is evolving to take on the challenge of maintaining low latency to storage media while scaling out to meet the needs of modern data centers and applications.  This talk will explore the coming NVMe Over Fabrics specification, and how it enables NVMe to be used across fabrics (e.g., Ethernet or InfiniBand™ with RDMA, Fibre Channel, etc,) and connect to other NVMe storage devices.  Who should attend: engineering and marketing people interested in learning about how NVMe Over Fabrics works and the new types of system architectures enabled by this protocol.

Register now and you will also be notified when the recorded webcast is available.

NOTE: if you missed the NVMe and Mobile webcast on October 29, the recording is available.