Tom Coughlin, who consults and writes on digital storage and applications, and is chairman of the Storage Visions, Creative Storage Conferences as well as the Flash Memory Summit, has written an interesting article about NVM Express and Fabrics in Forbes Magazine.  He starts out by saying:

“Flash memory performance is driving the development of communication interfaces with computer systems that can take advantage of this speed and lower latency. The development of these interfaces has also enabled solid-state storage devices that don’t need to emulate HDD form factors or operation. The later factor is leading to the elimination of flash translation layers and HDD shaped SSDs.  The former factor has enabled flash memory to sit in the computer memory bus in special DIMM cards as well as their use in PCIe-based storage using the NVMe protocol.”

See where he takes it in the rest of the article — — and watch for news about NVM Express and Fabrics in coming months.