By Dr. J Metz, NVM Express, Inc. Board Member

This year has been significant for NVMe technology advancements, between the announcements of NVMe 1.4 and NVMe-oF 1.1 specifications and our two-day presentation track at Flash Memory Summit (FMS) 2019. Now that the hustle and bustle of Flash Memory Summit is over, it’s time to look forward to SNIA’s Storage Developer Conference (SDC) coming up on September 23-26. Events such as SDC are great networking opportunities for NVM Express members and an excellent venue for the storage community to learn about the latest technology innovations.

The NVM Express organization is acting as an organizational sponsor for this year’s SDC event, and we can expect NVMe technology to be a hot topic. The NVM Express organization will be running a sponsor table, with experts at-the-ready to answer any membership or technology questions you may have.

SDC’s conference agenda features an NVMe technology track covering topics ranging from managing capacity in NVM Express SSDs to Zoned Namespaces to NVMe Key-Value. You can also join us for a few NVM Express, Inc. sponsored sessions:

  • The NVM Express Specifications: Mastering Today’s Architecture and Preparing for Tomorrow’s session on Monday, September 23 slotted for 8:30 – 9:20 AM will be the first public discussion of the upcoming refactored NVMe 2.0 specification. Nick Adams (Intel) and I will be presenting for on the upcoming NVMe 2.0 specification features and how to map your products to the new spec, while David Woolf (UNH-IOL) will present on compliance and interoperability considerations.
  • The NVMe Birds of a Feather Meetup will take place Monday, September 23 at 7:00 PM. I will be participating in a panel alongside NVM Express, Inc. members Mark Carlson, Bill Martin, Peter Onufryk and Christoph Hellwig as we discuss our latest work and real-world applications of NVMe technology. This will be a great opportunity for SDC attendees to hear important insights from the NVMe technology authors themselves.

Register to Learn the Latest Storage Technology Trends

It isn’t too late to register for SDC 2019 if you haven’t yet. NVM Express, Inc. members have been awarded a $200 discount, using code “SDC19NVME200.”

I look forward to seeing you all on September 23-26! In the meantime, feel free to take a look at my Storage Short Take blog to get a summary of the most recent storage news.