It’s a pretty well publicized fact that data in our world is growing at a mid boggling rate.  You could probably quote the latest statistic of how much and how fast data is growing, but the fact of the matter is that by the time you read this blog post, those statistics will be outdated.   Whether you’re a large corporation or an independent contractor, you are generating data on a daily basis.  From business transactions to personal posts on social media sites, the hardware behind our ability to access and transmit data are servers.  These machines work feverishly, 24-7, 365 days a year accessing and serving up content all across the globe.

With IT dollars a precious asset and the data increasing at an enormous rate, the battle to do more with less is on.  One of the ways that PCIe SSDs are helping to lower costs and improve efficiency is in the server environment.  It’s pretty well known that PCIe SSDs dramatically improve performance over HDDs and not only lower hardware costs, but lower power and cooling costs as well.  PCIe SSDs are having a significant impact on server caching.  PCIe SSDs enabled with NVM Express (NVMe) will provide even greater performance for the server caching environment.   NVMe reduces overhead  and lowers latency, with an optimized register interface and command sets.  This optimization allows for faster access to data. NVMe benefits also include scalability, end to end data protection, and lowers power consumption. 

In an era of doing more with less, emphasis is being placed on how to improve PCIe SSD performance to the highest degree in servers.  NVMe technology reduces unnecessary overhead within the server caching space as well as helps to reduce TCO.