NVMe Technology SSDs

Home>NVMe Technology SSDs

Is NVMe architecture lower power than SATA?

By |2020-04-15T12:31:35-08:00April 15th, 2020||

There are various examples of NVMe technology being used in mobile devices at extremely low power--the most notable being the Apple iPhone. M.2 and NVMe BGA devices for notebooks, laptops, and tablets are also demonstrating lower power and improved battery life vs SATA.

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What tools are available to manage SSDs?

By |2020-04-15T12:28:50-08:00April 15th, 2020||

NVMe SSDs can me managed in-band (through the operating system) and out-of-band (outside of the host OS, generally through a BMC). Many open source management tools exist to manage NVMe SSDs, like nvme-cli in Linux that contains all the commands in the NVMe specification to monitor device health and endurance, update firmware, secure erase drives, [...]

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How do you securely erase data on an NVMe SSD?

By |2020-04-15T12:27:46-08:00April 15th, 2020||

There are multiple commands in the NVMe specification to securely erase user data. The NVMe format command includes support for crypto erase to quickly erase user data by switching the crypto key, as well as full media erase which today physically erases the NAND. Sanitize is the other command to erase user data. It has [...]

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Do I say PCIe SSD or NVMe SSD? Are all NVMe SSDs PCIe?

By |2020-04-15T12:25:57-08:00April 15th, 2020||

The use of PCIe SSD, NVMe SSD, NVMe/PCIe SSD are all common and acceptable. Most people today use NVMe SSD to imply a PCIe SSD (since that is what has existed from 2011 to today) but in the future, NVMe SSDs may also be on other physical interfaces beyond PCIe architecture.

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