Membership/General Information

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How is NVM Express structured?

By |2020-04-15T10:50:56-08:00April 15th, 2020||

NVM Express is an incorporated non-profit industry organization. There are three categories of members, Promoters, Contributors, and Adopters. The NVM Express group is led by 13 Promoter companies who have board seats and provide overall governance. Promoters are elected and serve two-year terms. Contributor companies are welcome to participate in regularly scheduled technical working sessions [...]

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Do you need to be a member to contribute to NVMe specification(s)?

By |2020-04-15T10:49:59-08:00April 15th, 2020||

Any company may join the Work Groups as a Contributor by signing the Participation Agreement and paying the membership dues. All Contributors have equal input into the development and evolution of the specification. The agreement can be found on the Join NVM Express page.

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