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SNIA Storage Developer Conference (SDC) EMEA
The SNIA Storage Developer Conference (SDC) EMEA will provide a platform for the storage development community—including solution-seeking developers, engineers, architects, product/program managers and technical marketing managers—to come together and share knowledge. This event will feature various NVM Express technology focused sessions:

  • Intel Corporation Keynote: Transforming Storage with Innovations in Non-Volatile Memory
    Bill Bollengier, Director of Application Engineering, Non-Volatile Memory Solutions Group (NSG)
  • Toshiba Keynote: Enhancing NVMe-oF Capabilities using Storage Abstraction
    Yaron Klein – System and Architecture Leader
    Verly Gafni-Hoek – Inbound Product Manager
    Toshiba Israel Storage Design Center
  • Whats New in NVM Express
    J Metz – R&D Engineer, Office of the CTO, Cisco Systems
  • Achieving Predictable Latency for Solid State Storage
    Mark Carlson – Principal Engineer, Industry Standards

There is no better place to be educated on the future of storage as described by all the leading technical developers.

Register for the event.