What is the NVM Express® Base Specification?

Designed from the ground up for SSDs, the NVM Express® (NVMe®) base specification was initially created to help define how host software communicates with non-volatile memory across a PCI Express® (PCIe®) bus. It has quickly evolved into the industry standard for PCIe solid state drives (SSDs) in many form factors (U.2, M.2, AIC, EDSFF). The NVMe base specification offered an efficient interface, providing lower latency, that is more scalable for SSDs than legacy interfaces, like serial ATA (SATA).

The NVMe 2.0 family of specifications was released on June 3, 2021. The NVMe library of specifications is divided into eight different specifications, including the NVMe Base specification, Command Set specifications (NVM Command Set specification, ZNS Command Set specification, KV Command Set specification) and Transport specifications (PCIe Transport specification, RDMA Transport specification and TCP Transport specification). The NVMe Management Interface specification will be kept separate.

The restructured NVMe 2.0 specifications enable faster and simpler development of NVMe technology, supporting the seamless deployment of flash-based solutions in many emerging market segments. The specifications include evolutionary new features like Zoned Namespaces (ZNS), Key Value (KV), Rotational Media and Endurance Group Management.

  • Links to the other NVM Express Specifications in the NVM Express 2.0 Family of Specifications: