

Industry SIG Collaborations Accelerate PCIe SSDs

By |2013-05-06T11:29:18-08:00August 3rd, 2012|Blog|

PCI Express Solid State drives are quickly outrunning the capabilities of existing IO architectures. The SSD Form Factor Working Group has been defining a new drive connector which is being developed as Project SFF-8639. NVMe, when used with the new standard device connector, will accelerate usage of PCIe-based SSDs. This is a great example of [...]

New PCIe Form Factor Enables Greater PCIe SSD Adoption

By |2017-04-20T10:14:28-08:00June 12th, 2012|Blog|

PCIe SSD’s are delivering some amazing performance numbers, which means customers are getting very high bandwidth and performance with low latency compared to other interfaces like SATA and SAS SSD’s.  The one drawback that PCIe SSDs have is the traditional card form factors which comes in HHHL (half height, half length) or the even bigger [...]

NVM Express at EMC World

By |2013-05-06T11:34:33-08:00June 5th, 2012|Blog|

I spent the week of May 20th at EMC World, and I am still recovering!  There was so much to see and do: 42 new product announcements 13,000+ attendees 400+ breakout sessions, hands-on labs, and interactive gatherings 100+ exhibitors and sponsors A presentation screen longer than a football field A wrap-around dome screen 3D theatre, [...]

Standards Enable Interoperability that Drives Volumes

By |2013-05-06T11:35:10-08:00May 31st, 2012|Blog|

As the market leader in data storage silicon solutions, Marvell understands the need for standards.  Standards allow interoperability among products from different manufacturers, and interoperability drives volume.   NVM Express will enable standard software drivers for SSDs with the PCI Express interface, which will in turn encourage broader adoption of these high performance storage devices.  Marvell [...]

NVMe Tames the Digital Deluge

By |2013-05-06T11:36:04-08:00April 26th, 2012|Blog|

The growth of digital content, currently 50 percent per year, presents a strong secular expansion opportunity for storage over the next decade.  Getting timely access to that data is essential to improving the user experience in an array of cutting edge applications.  The introduction of PCIe based SSDs has shattered the performance ceiling of legacy [...]

PCIe Storage for Enterprise Applications

By |2013-05-06T11:37:27-08:00April 4th, 2012|Blog|

Oracle is a vendor of software, hardware, and integrated engineered systems with advanced system architectures that are optimized for Oracle applications from the ground up.  To continue to improve the performance and reliability of our engineered systems and applications, Oracle is constantly evaluating and adopting system components and component-level innovations in processors, memory subsystems, and [...]

High Performance Interfaces Required to Realize Full Performance of PCIe-based SSDs

By |2013-05-06T11:38:40-08:00April 3rd, 2012|Blog|

SanDisk believes that high performance interfaces are key to delivering the full performance potential of PCIe-based SSDs.  NVMe was designed from scratch to unlock the power of these devices, providing a streamlined command and controller interface.   But the key to any new interface is to create a healthy ecosystem around it.  We are excited about [...]

Realizing the Full Potential of PCIe-based Storage

By |2017-04-20T10:14:28-08:00March 20th, 2012|Blog|

IDT has been a key contributor to the development of NVM Express from the beginning, and we’re thrilled with the progress made to date.  NVMe is a giant step forward in realizing the full potential of PCIe-based storage.  While other solutions exist, including a proprietary solution by IDT ourselves, standard NVMe drivers & features are [...]

NVMe Infrastructure Coming Together

By |2013-05-06T11:41:03-08:00March 14th, 2012|Blog|

The infrastructure is coming together to support a complete NVMe based PCIe SSD solution. The NVMe specification is now at 1.0c with a new level of maturity, University of New Hampshire Interoperability Lab has recently announced a program to provide compliance testing for various elements of the solution, PCIe SSD devices themselves as well as [...]