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ABOUT the PROMOTER GROUP: NVM Express is governed by a Board of Directors, the Promoters, comprised of representatives from NVM Express member companies. The maximum number of participating companies in the Promoter Group is 13. Promoters are elected from NVM Express members for a two-year term and are eligible for re-election. All NVM Express member companies are eligible to run for a Promoter position.

For admission in the Promoters Group, a company is required to be officially elected by the Board of Directors along with satisfying all requirements in accordance with the NVMe Bylaws and the Participation Policies. Upon election, promoters receive the following benefits:

  • The right to select one representative to serve as a Director on the Board of Directors of the Corporation (the “Promoter Board Representative”) for a two year term.
  • The right to participate in the exercise of any DGCL Member Voting Rights
  • The right to vote on all matters presented to the Members for a vote
  • Listed as a Promoter on the Corporation’s web site and in Corporation’s marketing material
  • Listed as a Promoter in all press releases, and at all events of the Corporation
  • All associated benefits generally afforded to and imposed upon all Contributor and Adopter Members


A Promoter must adhere to the following:

  • Be supportive of the Corporation’s Purposes as defined in Section 2 of the Bylaws. “Supportive of the Corporation’s Purposes” means that the Member is supportive of the Corporation’s efforts to create Final Specifications and that the Member will also be supportive of the implementation of the Final Specifications.
  • Must not otherwise be prohibited by treaty, law or regulation from abiding by the terms of the Bylaws or any Participation Policies
  • Applicant must pay, and the Member must continue to pay, the then-current annual dues applicable to the relevant Member class;
  • Agrees not to load the Participation of any Work Group for the purpose of obstructing the purpose of the Corporation or the progress or purpose of that Work Group.
  • Must commit to sending its Promoter Board Representative to at least one (1) face-to-face Board of Directors meeting each calendar year, assuming such face-to-face meetings are scheduled.
  • Assign one (1) “full time equivalent” representative of the Member to participate in the activities of the Corporation; and
  • Must commit to send at least one (1) representative(s) from that Promoter to attend at least twelve (12) meetings per year sponsored by the Corporation
  • Must commit to send at least one (1) representative to any annual face-to-face meeting of Members, if one is held.

NVM Express Member Benefits

Member Benefits Contributor Adopter
Right to participate in Work Groups Yes No
Right to vote as a participant of a Work Group Yes No
Right to receive and review Draft Specifications Yes No
Right to have access to ratified Technical Proposals Yes Yes
Right to participate in the annual all-Member meeting Yes Yes
Right to actively participate in the Corporation’s marketing and promotional activities
at trade shows and other industry events
Yes Yes
Right to participate in any logo or certification mark licensing program (“Logo Program”) Yes Yes
Early access to a Final Specification before it is released to the general public. Yes Yes

Questions: Please email membership@nvmexpress.org.