By Amber Huffman, NVM Express President

The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated unfortunate cancellations of many of our industry’s top 2020 events. While we look towards a recovery cycle in the business community and find connectivity options, we need to maintain safety and follow the protocols of this recent era.

Given the ever evolving global health situation, we have decided to cancel our face-to-face 2020 NVMe™ Annual Members Meeting and shift to a virtual meeting. The Virtual 2020 NVMe Annual Virtual Members Meeting will be held on WebEx from 8:00 – 11:30 am PST on Monday, May 18, 2020. Registration for the event is now open.

The virtual event will include a state of the union presentation that will provide a high-level overview of the status of the organization, our updated specification roadmap and more. Following this update, various work groups will report on their progress, new technical developments, and more.

Additional information about this event will be provided in the coming weeks. Please check our website, Twitter and LinkedIn for frequent updates about scheduling and information. Until then, we hope you and your families stay healthy and safe.

Please know that providing up-to-the-minute, educational NVMe technology and specification materials will not waver in the least bit during this time. We encourage you to visit our presentations, webinars and blogs for informative content on the NVMe specifications.

Finally, thank you for all you do to make NVMe the center of storage innovation in the industry!

If you have any questions, please reach out to