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The wealth of data now available holds enormous potential for businesses of all sizes. Opportunities to create real-time insights for decision makers, to create new customer experiences, to expand business models are legion – in principle.

In practice however, organisations can struggle with performance as data volumes grow.

One potential answer is NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory Express), a minimal-overhead storage interconnect standard designed to cope with today’s massively scalable data throughput and processing requirements. Coupled with all-flash storage, the resulting storage architectures can reduce or remove bottlenecks, offering a response to the needs of the digital world.

In this webinar we look at the potential benefits of data growth, as well as the challenges this creates. We consider the technology options including all-flash arrays and high-speed interfaces such as NVMe. As we do so, we show how organisations can deliver a balanced approach to storage management, supporting the diversity of enterprise workloads and service requirements, with the right structures and processes for success.

So, if you are looking for new ways to process data rapidly, mine the data mountain and want to know what NVMe can deliver in response, tune in to this conversation between Huawei’s Marcel Pohle and Freeform Dynamics’ Tony Lock, facilitated by our very own Jon Collins.