For FreeBSD users looking for NVM Express support, we are pleased to communicate the availability of FreeBSD 9.2. Announced by the FreeBSD Release Engineering Team, this is the first official FreeBSD release with NVM Express support. Additional information on the FreeBSD 9.2 release is located at

As an organization, NVM Express is excited to add the FreeBSD driver to the growing list of drivers supporting NVM Express and congratulate the FreeBSD members on achieving this release.

About FreeBSD — FreeBSD is an advanced operating system for modern server, desktop, and embedded computer platforms. FreeBSD’s code base has undergone over thirty years of continuous development, improvement, and optimization. It is developed and maintained by a large team of individuals. FreeBSD provides advanced networking, impressive security features, and world class performance and is used by some of the world’s busiest web sites and most pervasive embedded networking and storage devices.